首次亮相世界頂級設(shè)計大賽收獲“大四喜” 盛古創(chuàng)意C位穩(wěn)了

2021-04-15 07:43  中國酒業(yè)新聞  佳釀網(wǎng)  字號:【】【】【】  參與評論  閱讀:

「 萬品競逐 · 四元中的 」


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去年,我們拿出 4 款各具風(fēng)格的產(chǎn)品

報名參加德國 iF 國際設(shè)計大賽

這是盛古創(chuàng)意 首次 亮相國際大賽

與 52 個國家的10000+優(yōu)秀產(chǎn)品同臺競“藝”



就在剛剛公布的 iF 獲獎名單中

我們 四元中的!

「 4 款 報名產(chǎn)品均從眾多優(yōu)秀設(shè)計中脫穎而出

盡皆斬獲德國 iF設(shè)計大獎!」


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»» iF Design Award

|| 最具影響力的設(shè)計大獎之一

iF 設(shè)計獎,簡稱 “ iF ”,創(chuàng)立于1953年,該獎是由德國歷史最悠久的工業(yè)設(shè)計機構(gòu)——漢諾威工業(yè)設(shè)計論壇( iF Industrie Forum Design )每年定期舉辦的。

它以 “ 獨立、嚴謹、可靠 ” 的評獎理念聞名于世,旨在提升大眾對于設(shè)計的認知,被譽為 國際工業(yè)設(shè)計的 “金像獎”。目前是和德國 RedDot (紅點)設(shè)計大獎齊名的國際性設(shè)計獎項,是世界上知名設(shè)計競賽中最有影響的競賽之一。

▲ iF 獎第一批元老成員

▲ 評委會審查全球設(shè)計作品

▲ 工廠大展

▲ 歷屆獲獎設(shè)計師(局部)


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»» Sungoo Design

|| 承古盛今 · 自然由心

盛古創(chuàng)意,由知名設(shè)計師付木強先生于2013年創(chuàng)立。秉承“承古盛今 · 自然由心”的先鋒設(shè)計理念,挹先人之規(guī)、悟通變之理,將傳統(tǒng)經(jīng)典文化與現(xiàn)代科技藝術(shù)融為一爐,在平和簡靜,淡雅自然的氛圍中,以文質(zhì)相諧,剛?cè)嵯酀膫性,與時俱進而又不拘一格的全身心致力于中國酒業(yè)創(chuàng)意整合服務(wù)。

八年于酒類設(shè)計行業(yè)深耕以來,我們持續(xù)開源創(chuàng)新,迄今已服務(wù)過茅臺集團、五糧液、瀘州老窖 、劍南春、汾酒、習(xí)酒、酒鬼酒、西鳳酒、四特、遠航酒業(yè)、金六福、江小白、釣魚臺、國臺、河套、景芝酒、古貝春、今緣春、糊涂酒業(yè)、李渡酒、云門酒業(yè)、紅太陽、婺酒、仙秦酒、山谷春、億度燒坊等上百家知名酒類品牌。

「 在過往的歲月里,我們本著務(wù)實的態(tài)度埋頭于設(shè)計,為每一位客戶的作品精益求精,沒有參與到國際設(shè)計獎的評選中來。如今,秉承著為客戶負責(zé)的服務(wù)精神,我們加入到國際評比中,所幸,不負眾望。」


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»» Sungoo 獲獎作品

|| 2021 iF Design Award x 4

很高興我們報名的4款產(chǎn)品均能獲得這個在國際上有極大知名度的設(shè)計大獎。感謝 iF 評委會對“盛古創(chuàng)意”作品的肯定與認可!

壹 | 唯有歲月,締釀佳作———»» 窖客·境界 | by盛古創(chuàng)意


In China, the philosophical notion that great truths are always simple holds great sway over many. The idea here is that fundamental principles are invariably straightforward and can be explained very concisely in simple words. Style is the one word that sums up best the essence of Jiaoke liquor and this packaging design.


The bottle and outer box are nearly entirely done in a pure matt black. The cap allows the liquor to breathe so that it can achieve a micro-oxygen cycle in the bottle and continue to naturally age, giving it both superior taste and true collector's value.

貳 | 急不得的匠造———»» 美匠河 | by盛古創(chuàng)意

美匠河酒的設(shè)計,突出“生態(tài)美酒”的特色,將中國白酒釀造生態(tài)之美傳達出來。脫胎于盛古設(shè)計師對后現(xiàn)代主義的刻畫——傳統(tǒng)注解要讓位給觀者的自感。The packaging design for Meijianghe shines a spotlight on the spirit's ecological credentials and the beauty of the Chinese tradition of liquor brewing. The designers looked to Sungoo's depiction of postmodernism in creating the bottle shape.

所以特意采用了幾種極具代表意義的元素IP:“山形鏤空”、“生態(tài)墨綠”、“烤金插畫”…勾勒出貴州美酒河與貴州山水的生態(tài)之美,具備鮮明的個性化、與差異化。So also incorporated several elements from the distiller's corporate identity, such as the mountain-shaped hole and negative space in the center of the bottle, the ecological dark green palette, and illustrations and lettering in gold block printing.

叁 | 靈韻天成,盛德若愚———»» 穿山巖酒窖 | by盛古創(chuàng)意


The design of this liquor packaging for "Chuanshanyan Wine Cellar" relies on design elements to express premium quality and "Shengde Ruoyu,” which in Chinese means a virtuous and modest gentleman always looks simple in appearance.


The packaging draws from this leitmotif through its simple lines with its simple and atmospheric design style. We use the irregular rock rings of Chuanshan rock to build a spherical bottle body, and then carve Guilin's unique scenic spots. Another feature is the outstanding mountain shaped bottle top, which shows the wonders of Guilin's mountains and rivers, and also highlights the difference of wine texture and design.

肆 | 寄情于桂林山水的美酒———»» 三花酒 | by盛古創(chuàng)意


The packaging design for Sanhua Liquor starts with the original and highly familiar "Lijiang Green" illustrations as its creative starting point. A high-key use of color and the beauty of the illustrations combine to lend the distiller a more distinctive overall brand identity.


The fresh colorful design also more easily attracts consumer attention and establishes brand recognition compared to the typically more industrial packaging for this type of product that usually relies on a black and white palette.

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(原標題:盛古喜報 | 作品榮獲4項世界頂級設(shè)計大獎)

    關(guān)鍵詞:盛古創(chuàng)意 設(shè)計獎  來源:佳釀網(wǎng)  佚名